Central Utah Water Conservancy District
Landscape Incentive Program Details

*Applications now open*

Below are the eligibility details and program requirements for CUWCD's Landscape Incentive Program. Please note that while this information outlines the requirements to qualify for an incentive, it is the applicant's responsibility to verify that projects comply with city and/or HOA ordinances and requirements.

This program does not incentivize artificial turf. Salt Lake City residents installing artificial turf in their front yards will be out of compliance with this program and in violation of the city code and subject to fines. To read more, click here: https://www.slc.gov/council/completed-projects/landscaping-buffers-chapter-amendments/

Turf Replacement

Incentive Amount = $3.00/square foot


  1. Must be in a city that has adopted Water Efficiency Standards

  2. Must have existing well-maintained, living lawn in the project area at initial site visit.

  3. Must have a site visit before work on the project can begin.

  4. Project must be completed within 12 months of initial site visit.

  5. Property owner must sign project agreement. Incentive amount will be sent to property owner only.

  6. Can be a partial project, park strip, full front yard, full back yard.

  7. 200 Square foot minimum (Can be in aggregate)

  8. No impervious hardscape, water features, or artificial turf will be incentivized.

  9. Must attend the free class associated with the program.

  10. Must submit photos of existing landscape with application.

  11. Must submit a 2-dimensional landscape design showing the project area and an explanation of what will replace the lawn.

Requirements to Receive Incentive

  1. Projects may not reduce existing lawn to leave grass areas less than 8 feet wide. Remaining grass areas should be 8 feet or wider.

  2. The project area must have 50% plant coverage at maturity. This does not include tree canopy, bulbs, and annuals.

  3. The project area must be covered in 3-4 inches of mulch (inorganic, organic mulches, and groundcover planted densely enough to cover 100% of the ground will meet this requirement)

  4. The converted area must have drip irrigation on its own zone accompanied by a filter and pressure regulator.

  5. Must be one type of drip irrigation. (point source or inline)

  6. Drip emitters cannot exceed 5 gallons per hour.

  7. Micro-sprays, bubblers, and soaker hoses are not permitted as drip irrigation.

  8. 24” plant height maximum in park strip

  9. Must have the irrigation operational and visible at the final visit, which will typically only occur between April 15th and October 15th.

  10. Hardscape cannot exceed 50% of the front yard landscaped area or 75% of the backyard landscaped area.

  11. Any portion of the installed project that does not meet the requirements at the final inspection can be corrected within 60 days from the inspection or within the remainder of the designated time frame, whichever is greater, without penalty.

Switch to Drip

Incentive Amount = $1.00/square foot


  1. Must be in a city that has adopted Water Efficiency Standards

  2. 200 square foot minimum (If not in conjunction with a lawn removal project. Can be in aggregate.)

  3. Must submit photos of existing planting bed(s)/project area.

  4. Traditional landscape plan or Google map image highlighting the planting beds to be converted.

  5. Must have existing overhead spray.

Requirements to Receive Incentive

  1. Planting beds must be switched to drip irrigation, its own zone with a filter and pressure regulator.

  2. The project area must be covered in 3-4 inches of mulch (inorganic, organic mulches, and groundcover planted densely enough to cover 100% of the ground will meet this requirement)

  3. The converted area must have drip irrigation on its own zone accompanied by a filter and pressure regulator.

  4. Must be one type of drip irrigation. (point source or inline)

  5. Drip emitters cannot exceed 5 gallons per hour.

  6. Micro-sprays, bubblers, and soaker hoses are not permitted as drip irrigation.

  7. Must have the irrigation operational and visible at the final visit, which will typically only occur between April 15th and October 15th.

  8. Any portion of the installed project that does not meet the requirements at the final inspection can be corrected within 60 days from the inspection or within the remainder of the designated time frame, whichever is greater, without penalty.


Incentive Amount = $50/tree


  1. Participation must be done in conjunction with one of the above-mentioned programs. No stand-alone treebates are offered.

  2. Maximum of 5 trees per year.

  3. Cannot be a tree on the provided exclusion list.

  4. Must provide plant tags at final visit.

  5. Trees planted in park strips less than 10 feet wide are not eligible.

  6. Must comply with local city or HOA requirements.

Requirements to Receive Incentive

  1. Trees must be planted in the ground. Trees planted with burlap or cages, or in pots, will not be eligible.

  2. 1” caliper minimum at time of purchase

  3. Must be drip irrigated on a zone free from lawn areas and that include a pressure regulator and filter.

New Construction Projects

Incentive Amount = $1.50/square foot


  1. Must be in a city that has adopted the Water Efficiency Standards.

  2. Home must be a new construction, less than five years old, and the project area cannot have been landscaped since the construction of the home.

  3. Full back yard projects only.

  4. Incentive available to all areas of the landscape not including lawn, impervious hardscape, artificial turf, or water features.

  5. No square foot minimum required.

  6. A 2-dimensional landscape design is required.

  7. Must have the irrigation operational and visible at the final visit.

Requirements to Receive the Incentive

  1. Planting beds must have 50% plant coverage at maturity.  Does not include tree canopy, annuals, and bulbs.

  2. Planting beds must be irrigated with drip irrigation on a zone separate from the lawn if lawnis installed. The drip irrigation must contain a pressure reducer and filter.

  3. Drip emitters cannot be greater than 5 gallons per hour.

  4. Drip must be either point source or inline drip. Micro-sprays, bubblers, and soaker hoses are not allowed.

  5. Hardscape cannot exceed 75% of the back yard landscaped area.

  6. If grass is used, it must meet the following criteria:

    • Cannot exceed 35% of the landscaped area.
    • Cannot be less than 8 feet wide at its narrowest point.
    • Cannot be obstructed or used as a path.
    • Cannot be on slopes greater than 4:1 grade (25%).

Below are the eligibility details and program requirements for CUWCD's Landscape Incentive Program. Please note that while this information outlines the requirements to qualify for an incentive, it is the applicant's responsibility to verify that projects comply with city and/or HOA ordinances and requirements.

Maximum incentive amount allowed per property is $100,000 across one or more years between all of the following projects:

  1. Turf Replacement

  2. Switch to Drip

  3. Treebate

Turf Replacement

Incentive Amount = $3.00/square foot, not to exceed 50% of the project cost


  1. Must be in a city that has adopted Water Efficiency Standards.

  2. Must have existing well-maintained, living lawn in the project area at initial site visit.

  3. Must have a site visit before work on the project can begin.

  4. Project must be completed within 12 months of initial site visit.

  5. Property owner must sign project agreement. Incentive amount will be sent to property owner only.

  6. Can be a partial project, park strip, or entire property.

  7. 200 Square foot minimum (Can be in aggregate)

  8. Must submit photos of existing landscape with application.

  9. Must submit a 2-dimensional landscape design showing the project area and an explanation of what will replace the lawn.

  10. Functional hardscapes that replace lawn in existing landscapes may qualify for the incentive, as determined by program staff. This could include sitting areas, paths, sport courts, play areas, pavilions, etc. Artificial turf, water features, supplementary parking, sidewalks, and roadways do not qualify for the incentive.

  11. Weed barrier fabric is allowed but is not recommended. The negative effects of weed barrier fabric are outlined at conservationgardenpark.org/blog/354/why-weed-barrier-fabric-is-a-weed.

  12. Replacement of traditional lawns with native or drought-tolerant lawns, while encouraged, does not qualify for the incentive.

Requirements to Receive Incentive

  1. Project cannot create new areas of lawn that are less than 8 feet wide.

  2. The project area must have 50% plant coverage at maturity. This does not include tree canopy, bulbs, and annuals.

  3. The project area must be covered in 3-4 inches of mulch (inorganic, organic mulches, and groundcover planted densely enough to cover 100% of the ground will meet this requirement)

  4. The converted area must have drip irrigation on its own zone accompanied by a filter and pressure regulator.

  5. Must be one type of drip irrigation. (point source or inline)

  6. Drip emitters cannot exceed 5 gallons per hour.

  7. Micro-sprays, bubblers, and soaker hoses are not permitted as drip irrigation.

  8. 24” plant height maximum in park strip

  9. Must have the irrigation operational and visible at the final visit, which will typically only occur between April 15th and October 15th.

  10. Any portion of the installed project that does not meet the requirements at the final inspection can be corrected within 60 days from the inspection or within the remainder of the designated time frame, whichever is greater, without penalty.

  11. All incentive recipients shall submit a completed W-9 Form prior to receiving funding.

Switch to Drip - Convert Overhead Spray in Plant Beds to Drip Irrigation

Incentive Amount = $1.00/square foot, not to exceed 50% of the project cost


  1. Must be in a city that has adopted Water Efficiency Standards.

  2. 500 square foot minimum (If not in conjunction with a lawn removal project. Can be in aggregate.)

  3. Must submit photos of existing planting bed/project area.

  4. Traditional landscape plan or Google map image highlighting the planting beds to be converted.

  5. Must have existing overhead spray.

  6. Weed barrier fabric is allowed but is not recommended. The negative effects of weed barrier fabric are outlined at conservationgardenpark.org/blog/354/why-weed-barrier-fabric-is-a-weed.

Requirements to Receive Incentive

  1. Planting beds must be switched to drip irrigation, its own zone with a filter and pressure regulator.

  2. The project area must be covered in 3-4 inches of mulch (inorganic, organic mulches, and groundcover planted densely enough to cover 100% of the ground will meet this requirement)

  3. The converted area must have drip irrigation on its own zone accompanied by a filter and pressure regulator.

  4. Must be one type of drip irrigation. (point source or inline)

  5. Drip emitters cannot exceed 5 gallons per hour.

  6. Micro-sprays, bubblers, and soaker hoses are not permitted as drip irrigation.

  7. Must have the irrigation operational and visible at the final visit, which will typically only occur between April 15th and October 15th.

  8. Any portion of the installed project that does not meet the requirements at the final inspection can be corrected within 60 days from the inspection or within the remainder of the designated time frame, whichever is greater, without penalty.

  9. All incentive recipients shall submit a completed W-9 Form prior to receiving funding.


Incentive Amount = $50/tree


  1. Participation must be done in conjunction with one of the above-mentioned programs. No stand-alone Treebates are offered.

  2. Maximum of 5 trees per year.

  3. Cannot be a tree on the provided exclusion list.

  4. Must provide plant tags at final visit.

  5. Trees planted in park strips less than 10 feet wide are not eligible.

  6. Must comply with local city or HOA requirements.

Requirements to Receive Incentive

  1. Trees must be planted in the ground. Trees planted with burlap or cages, or in pots, will not be eligible.

  2. 1” caliper minimum at time of purchase

  3. Must be drip irrigated on a zone free from lawn areas and that include a pressure regulator and filter.

Apply for Landscape Incentive Program