Division of Water Resources
Landscape Incentive Program Details

The following guidelines apply to all eligible private and public property types, including: residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, government entities, schools, HOA common areas, and multi-family residential projects. Golf courses, parks, athletic fields, and sod farms are not eligible at this time.

Below is a summary of the Division of Water Resource Landscape Incentive Program requirements. Applications will be declined if ALL the required items and details are not included in the application. Please read all sections prior to starting the application.


This program is run by the Utah Division of Water Resources. Program funds are available in locations that have adopted qualifying landscape ordinances. Incentives are for $2.00 per square foot of grass removed and replaced with water-efficient landscaping (maximum incentive amount of $50,000/application). A list of eligible cities and information for communities interested in adopting water-efficient landscape ordinances can be found here.


Do not remove any lawn until the application has been approved and the participation agreement has been completed.  

Step 1: Eligibility

Read the General Requirements below to determine eligibility.

Step 2: Create an Account

Login or create a Utah Water Savers account, which includes uploading a copy of your water bill.

Step 3: Create a Base Map

Create a base map of your current landscape. Refer to the Landscape Plan section of the Application Requirements below. This will be uploaded to the application in step 6.

Step 4: Take Photos

Take photos of each project area. Photos will be uploaded to the application in step 6.

Step 5: Create a Landscape Plan

Refer to the Landscape Conversion Requirements and the Landscape Plan section of the Application Requirements below. This will be uploaded to the application in step 6.

Step 6: Apply

Apply for the program using the items created in steps 3-5. The application requires all the items and details outlined below. Incomplete application will be declined.

Step 7: Site Verification

Once submitted, your application materials will be reviewed. If the submitted materials meet the requirements below, a virtual, pre-conversion site visit will be scheduled to ensure compliance with eligibility requirements and answer questions you may have about the program.

Step 8: Sign Participation Agreement

A participation agreement will be emailed to you after the virtual site verification process has been completed. Once signed and returned you can begin the project.

Step 9: Final Site Inspection

Once the project is finished, please upload photos of your completed project area(s) to your Utah Water Savers application and schedule your final site inspection. 

Step 10: Process Incentive Check

After the final inspection, we’ll ask you to complete a W-9 (for tax purposes). Once completed and returned, an incentive check will be mailed to the property owner from the State of Utah.


General Requirements

  • Project area must be currently landscaped with a living, maintained lawn. If lawn has been killed or removed prior to a pre-conversion site visit and application approval, you are not eligible for this program.
  • Project area must be 200 square feet or larger. Exemptions may be made where all lawn is removed from a parking strip or another isolated area of lawn.
  • Applicant must be participating voluntarily. Projects required by governmental codes or policy are not eligible for this program.
  • Applicant acknowledges and verifies the lawn conversion project will not violate any applicable law, regulation, ordinance, zoning requirement, contractual obligation or other legal limitation.
  • Applicant must be the property owner and have the legal authority to authorize the removal and replacement on the project area.
  • Applicant may only receive one incentive per project area.  
  • Applicant agrees not to return a project area to lawn after replacing it with water-efficient landscaping and depositing incentive check.
  • Incentive checks will be made payable to the property owner.
  • Projects must be completed within 365 days of approval of the application.
  • Any portion of the installed project that does not meet the requirements at the final inspection can be corrected within 60 days from the inspection or within the remainder of the designated time frame, whichever is greater, without penalty.
  • Eligible properties include residential, commercial, industrial, and private and public institutional properties. 
  • Project area may not be located on agricultural land, golf courses, parks, athletic fields, or sod farms.
  • Project area must be located within a municipality or a county that has adopted the minimum water-efficient landscape ordinances outlined by the division. 
  • Project area must be currently irrigated with water supplied by the retail water provider under contract with the water end user. Properties not served by a retail water provider (private well) are not currently eligible for state funds.

Landscape Conversion Requirements

  • Waterwise perennials and/or shrubs must cover (canopy cover) at least 50% of the converted project area at maturity.
  • Trees are encouraged but may not be used to satisfy the 50% plant coverage requirement.
  • Water efficient landscaping does NOT include; artificial turf, a swimming pool, waterfeature, or concrete.
  • Landscape conversions may NOT leave, create, or include a lawn area that is less than eight feet in width.  
  • Concrete areas do not qualify for a square foot incentive, but pavers, bricks, stone,and other permeable materials are permitted, provided the project areas atisfies the 50% coverage requirement.
  • If landscape fabric or weed barrier fabric is used (not recommended), it must be permeable to water and air.
  • Completed project areas must be irrigated with a low-volume drip system.
  • Existing sprinkler heads need to be capped or converted to drip.
  • Drip emitters cannot exceed 5 gallons per hour
  • Micro-sprays and bubblers are not permitted as drip irrigation
  • Drip irrigation must be on separate zone from overhead spray
  • Filter and pressure regulator must be installed with drip lines
  • Irrigation system will be verified by the entity inspecting the project area during the final site inspection.
  • All locations within the project area, not otherwise covered in pavers, brick, stone or other permeable materials shall be covered in 2-4 inches of permeable gravel, rock, shredded bark mulch, or similar material to control weeds and improve the appearance of the landscaping.

Application Requirements

Landscape Plan

Two documents are required in this section of the application. 1) A base map of the current landscape and 2) A landscape plan. Examples are provided in our resource document.  

  1. Base Map
    The base map must include the following:

    • Create a base map of your current landscape
    • Identify the lawn areas planned for removal and conversion to water efficient landscaping.
    • Including dimensions and the area (ft2) of the lawn that will be removed for each project area.
    • Label each project area on the base map i.e. backyard, front yard, side yard, or park strip.
    • Examples are provided on page 1 and 2 of our  resource document. You may also submit an aerial image of your property, using Google maps (page 2 example) or other mapping applications.  
  2. Landscape Plan
    The submitted landscape plan must follow the Landscape Conversion Requirements listed above and include the following:

    • Label the existing sprinkler heads that will be capped &/or converted to a drip system.
    • Label waterwise plants/planting areas.
    • Ensure waterwise perennials and/or shrubs cover (canopy cover) at least 50% of the converted project area at maturity. This equates to roughly three plants per 100 ft2.
    • Label ground cover used, i.e., bark mulch, rock, etc.  
    • Example is provided on page 3 of our resource document.
Apply for Landscape Incentive Program